8 Phone Etiquette Rules For Customer Service

May 14, 2023
5 min read
man on phone at desk with computer

In the sphere of customer service, phone etiquette holds paramount importance. It's the bridge that connects businesses with their customers, facilitating effective communication and fostering relationships. The way service representatives handle phone conversations can significantly impact a customer's perception of the company, its products, or services. This underscores the need for mastering the art of phone etiquette, which we delve into with eight essential rules in this blog.

We refer to the guidelines from the Australian Communications and Media Authority to ensure our phone etiquette meets the highest standards.

The Power of a Smile

When you smile, it changes the tone of your voice and radiates warmth that makes customers feel welcomed. Though they can't see it, customers can intuitively sense a smile through the phone. That's the beauty of human communication. Smiling while talking not only uplifts your mood but also helps diffuse tensions and pave the way for a more pleasant conversation.

To remember to smile during a phone call, you can place a small mirror at your desk to remind yourself or stick a note next to your phone. The Australian Psychological Society suggests that such positive reinforcement can enhance work performance.

Mastering the Art of Hold and Mute

The hold and mute functions, while handy, can potentially become a source of customer frustration if misused. No one likes to be left hanging on the line clueless or overhearing unintended conversations. Therefore, it's crucial to use these features judiciously.

Before placing a customer on hold, always ask for their permission and provide an estimated wait time. If the wait time extends, return to the line and update them. When using the mute function, ensure you've correctly activated it to avoid any unintended mishaps. A quick check of your phone's user manual or online tutorials can help you become more familiar with these features. Remember, the ultimate goal is to respect the customer's time and provide a seamless service experience.

The Power of Active Listening

In any form of communication, listening is just as important as speaking, if not more. In the context of customer service, active listening becomes crucial. It helps you understand the customer's concerns more accurately, showing them that their issues are important and acknowledged.

Practicing active listening involves a few key steps. First, focus on the customer without any distractions. Then, let them finish speaking before you respond. A helpful technique is to repeat back or summarise what they've said to confirm your understanding. This also assures the customer that they've been heard. Finally, ask clarifying questions if necessary. 

woman on phone outside in front of sculpture

The Art of Clear and Well-paced Speech

Clear and well-paced speech is another cornerstone of effective phone communication. It ensures your customer can understand your message without any confusion. Speaking too quickly can make you sound rushed or impatient, while speaking too slowly might give the impression of disinterest or lack of knowledge.

Practicing clear speech involves focusing on articulation, tone, and volume. Slow down your speech and enunciate each word clearly. You can practice by recording your voice and playing it back to self-evaluate. For pace, try to match your customer's speaking speed without compromising clarity. Toastmasters International offers valuable resources to improve your speech and communication skills.

The Value of Proper Introductions

The first impression matters, and in phone customer service, your introduction is that first impression. A proper introduction establishes rapport, sets the tone for the conversation, and builds trust with the customer.

Always start with a warm greeting, followed by your name and role. For example, "Good morning, this is Alex, your customer service representative." It's also beneficial to ask for the customer's name and use it throughout the conversation to personalise the interaction. If the situation is more formal, you may need to include your company's name and ask how you may assist them today. This shows your readiness to address their needs and sets a positive tone for the rest of the conversation.

The Impact of Positive and Specific Language

The words you choose in a customer interaction can significantly influence the outcome and the customer's satisfaction. Using positive and specific language can help create a more engaging and productive conversation.

Positive language creates an upbeat atmosphere, and specific language ensures that the customer understands exactly what is happening or what will happen next. For example, instead of saying, "I can't get that done until next week," you could say, "I will have that completed for you by next Monday." The second phrase is not only more positive but also more specific.

There are certain phrases that are particularly helpful in customer service, such as "I understand how you feel," "Let's solve this together," and "Your satisfaction is our priority." Conversely, try to avoid negative phrases like "I don't know," or "That's not my responsibility." 

lady lying on rug using mobile phone

The Art of the Follow-Up

Following up with customers is a critical step in customer service. It shows the customer that you value their business and are committed to resolving their issues. This can greatly enhance customer satisfaction and foster customer loyalty.

A follow-up can be a simple email or phone call to confirm that the customer's issue has been resolved or to ask if they have any further questions. It's best to follow up within a few days of the initial interaction, while the issue is still fresh in the customer's mind.

Be mindful of the customer's time and preferences when following up. If possible, schedule the follow-up at a time that's convenient for the customer. HubSpot provides an excellent guide on how to effectively follow up with customers.

Upholding Professionalism and Respect

Maintaining a professional and respectful demeanor is a fundamental rule of customer service. Even in the face of difficult or challenging conversations, it's essential to remain calm, composed, and respectful. This shows the customer that you value their feelings and are there to help, not argue.

If you find yourself in a challenging situation, take a moment to breathe and compose yourself before responding. Remember, it's not personal - the customer is upset with the situation, not you. Try to empathize with the customer and reassure them that you're there to resolve their issues.

The Customer Service Institute of Australia provides excellent resources on how to maintain professionalism during challenging customer interactions. It's a skill that can be developed with practice, so don't be discouraged if you find it difficult at first. Remember, the goal is to provide the best possible service to your customers.

Final Thoughts

Mastering phone etiquette in customer service is both an art and a science. It requires a careful balance of listening, speaking clearly, using positive language, and maintaining professionalism. Every phone interaction is an opportunity to leave a lasting positive impression on the customer, fostering stronger relationships and enhancing customer satisfaction.

To further enrich your understanding of professional phone conduct, we recommend reading this insightful article on Professional Telephone Etiquette Tips. The journey towards perfect phone etiquette is a continuous one, and every bit of knowledge helps. Remember, great customer service is about making the customer feel valued, heard, and satisfied, and the right phone etiquette is your key to achieving this.

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